43 research outputs found

    Maturity model for the Structural Elements of Coordination Mechanisms on the collaborative planning process

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    [ENG] Collaborative Planning (CP) can be defined as a joint decision making process for aligning plans of individual Supply Chains (SC) members with the aim of achieving a certain degree of coordination (Stadler, 2009). Coordination means identification and classification of existing interdependencies (Li et al., 2002). Different coordination processes manage different types of interdependencies. Coordination should be considered different from integration in that where coordination takes the target for granted, integration often involves determining this target simultaneously with the aligning of allocation decisions (Oliva and Watson, 2010). Typical features of supply chain coordination processes include demand planning (DP), supply planning (SP), available-to-promise/ capacity-to-promise (ATP/CTP), manufacturing planning, distribution planning (DP), etc. Generally, the execution of process depends on proper information management. Coordination mechanisms in supply chain should be tools by which, every member of a supply chain can achieve more benefits. Thus, organizations need to develop strategically aligned capabilities not only within the company itself, but also among the organizations that are part of its value-adding networks. Additionally, processes are now viewed as assets requiring investment and development as they mature. Thus the concept of process maturity is becoming increasingly important as firms adopt a process view of the organization

    Lograr la alineación estratégica de negocio y las tecnologías de la información a través de Arquitecturas Empresariales: Revisión de la Literatura

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    [ESP] El objetivo del estudio realizado es llevar a cabo una aproximación al concepto de alineación estratégica del negocio con la tecnología de información (TI) y al concepto de ingeniería empresarial (IE) en un enfoque de arquitecturas empresariales (AE). Para lograr este objetivo se presenta en primer lugar la metodología utilizada en la selección de los artículos científicos, y en segundo lugar, el análisis y la clasificación de los artículos encontrados, así como, las conclusiones finales

    Strategy of online assessment in case study methodology. A particular case in the subject enterprise computer tools

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    In this paper we propose that students be involved in active online learning, initially working with casestudy in order to deep in the theme and secondly participating in the evaluation process, assessing the work of other classmates. If students are actively engaged in their learning they will improve their motivation on the subject. The strategy of online assessment in case study methodology has been developed in the subject named “Enterprise Computer Tools”.Boza Garcia, A.; Cuenca González, ML. (2014). Strategy of online assessment in case study methodology. A particular case in the subject enterprise computer tools. En ICERI proceedings. 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI). Seville, SPAIN, NOV 17-19, 2014. International Association of Technology, Education and Development. 3207-3211. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/63319S3207321

    Experiencia de intercambio de liderazgo en dos trabajos en equipo

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    [EN] An important aspect of team building is the heterogeneity of its members to enrich the discussion and take on different roles. However, it is not always possible to select teammates and each member has to adapt to his or her group. The aim is to move the student out of its "comfort zone" so it has to assume different roles. This communication presents the results of an experience of teamworks which were formed by pairs of students. The leadership role had to be exchanged in the development of two collaborative works. The experience has revealed that students perceive that their contributions to the partner (leader) are greater than those received when he or she has the leader role. In addition, students assess in a positive way the method followed according with its personal experience, however, this does not happen when they assess from an general perspective. They prefer the traditional method, sharing the implication in the work equally and leaderless teamworks which is understandable for their resistance to change and for assuming roles perhaps not previously assumed.[ES] Un aspecto importante en la formación de equipos es la heterogeneidad de sus miembros para enriquecer la discusión y asumir diferentes funciones. Sin embargo, no siempre es posible seleccionar a los compañeros de equipo y cada integrante debe adaptarse a su contexto grupal. El objetivo perseguido es sacar al alumno de su “zona de confort” para así tener que asumir diferentes roles. La presente comunicación expone los resultados de una experiencia de trabajo en equipo donde éstos estaban formados por parejas de estudiantes que debían intercambiar el rol de líder en el desarrollo de dos trabajos colaborativos. La experiencia ha permitido conocer que los alumnos perciben que las aportaciones que realizan al compañero (líder) son mayores que las que recibe cuando él o ella actúa como líder. Además, los alumnos valoran positivamente el método seguido en su experiencia personal, sin embargo, esto no ocurre cuando lo evalúan desde una perspectiva general, donde prefieren el método tradicional con una implicación por igual en los trabajos (sin liderazgo), lo cual es entendible por su resistencia al cambio y por tener que asumir un rol quizás no asumido previamente.Boza García, A.; Cuenca González, ML. (2016). Experiencia de intercambio de liderazgo en dos trabajos en equipo. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4380OC

    Beyond Nolan’s Nine-stage Model - Evolution and Value of the Information System of a Technical Office in a Furniture Factory

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    This paper reviews the evolution of information systems. Nolan’s Model has been reviewed and a new Smart Era seems to be arising. The model has been used to analyse the development stages of a technical office’s information system in a furniture factory. The necessarily changing business model in the company throughout the ages has been analysed from the perspective of the contribution of the technical office’s information system to its main business process

    Innovación docente en la asignatura Gestión Integral para reforzar la competencia transversal Instrumental Específica

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    [EN] The teaching innovation presented in this paper has as main objective that students are able to make use of the most appropriate software solutions for a given business context, knowing their uses and possibilities of integration to improve an organization. All this in the context of the transversal competence "Specific Instruments". The innovation is based on the design of a set of activities to achieve this goal: i) Laboratory practices. To have contact with real ERP systems; ii) Fieldwork. To approach a business reality and apply the knowledge acquired to prescribe improvement proposals. The indicators that include the scoring rubric used for its evaluation are: I1: Identifies advanced tools and their usefulness; I2: Handles advanced tools; I3: Selects and combines the right tools to prescribe an improvement in a real business context. For each indicator, the evidence to be gathered from laboratory practices and field practices has been established. The proposed activities have allowed the students to manage tools both in the laboratory and in real contexts. Also note that the use of the rubric has facilitated the design and structuring of activities for teachers.[ES] La innovación docente presentada tiene como objetivo principal que el alumno sea capaz de hacer uso de las soluciones software más adecuadas para un determinado contexto empresarial, conociendo sus utilidades y las posibilidades de integración para la mejora de una organización. Todo ello en el contexto de la competencia transversal “Instrumental Específica”. La innovación se basa en el diseño de un conjunto de actividades para alcanzar dicho objetivo: i)Prácticas de laboratorio. Para tener contacto con sistemas ERP reales; ii) Trabajo de campo. Para acercarse a una realidad empresarial y aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para prescribir propuestas de mejora.Los indicadores que incluye la rúbrica utilizada para su evaluación son: I1: Identifica las herramientas avanzadas y su utilidad; I2: Maneja las herramientas avanzadas; I3: Selecciona y combina las herramientas adecuadas para prescribir una mejora en un contexto empresarial real. Para cada indicador se han establecido las evidencias a recoger de las prácticas de laboratorio y prácticas de campo realizadas. Las actividades planteadas han permitido el manejo de las herramientas por parte de los alumnos tanto en el laboratorio como en contextos reales. También destacar que el uso de la rúbrica ha facilitado el diseño y estructuración de las actividades al profesorado.Boza García, A.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Cuenca González, ML. (2017). Innovación docente en la asignatura Gestión Integral para reforzar la competencia transversal Instrumental Específica. En In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 817-823. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2017.2017.6792OCS81782

    SCAMPER-3-5 para generación de ideas y su análisis de valor

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    [EN] At the Universitat Politècnica de València, thirteen competency dimensions have been defined, among which is the competency of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. This competency has become in recent years one of the most demanded in the labor market. This paper presents the design and development of the SCAMPER-3-5 activity designed to foster the acquisition of the transversal competency. The proposed technique is based on the combination of the SCAMPER and 6-3-5 extended techniques, to eliminate the limitations encountered and to design an activity that reaches the whole process associated to creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. This process includes the phases of search for opportunities, generation of ideas, action plan and value analysis. The proposed activity is easily applicable and transferable to any subject, and can be used in any context. It contributes to the development of transversal competence in students.[ES] En la Universitat Politècnica de València se han definido un total de trece dimensiones competenciales, entre las que se encuentra, la competencia de creatividad, innovación y emprendimiento. Esta competencia, se ha convertido en los últimos años en una de las más demandadas en el mercado laboral. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de la actividad SCAMPER-3-5 diseñada para favorecer la adquisición de la competencia transversal. La técnica propuesta se basa en la combinación de las técnicas SCAMPER y 6-3-5 extendida, para eliminar las limitaciones encontradas y diseñar una actividad que alcance todo el proceso asociado a la competencia de creatividad, innovación y emprendimiento. Dicho proceso incluye las fases de búsqueda de oportunidades, generación de ideas, plan de acción y análisis de valor. La actividad propuesta es fácilmente aplicable y transferible a cualquier asignatura, pudiendo ser utilizada en cualquier contexto. Contribuye por tanto al desarrollo de la competencia transversal en los alumnos.Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Cuenca González, ML.; Ruiz Font, L.; Boza, A. (2017). SCAMPER-3-5 para generación de ideas y su análisis de valor. En In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 955-964. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2017.2017.6831OCS95596

    El Juego de rol “El puesto es tuyo” como herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales y de acercamiento al ámbito profesional

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    [EN] The acquisition of competences is a recurrent issue in educational processes over the last few years. It becomes especially relevant with transversal competencies, as companies increasingly ask for the improvement of the socalled soft skills. Thus, they have been continuously promoted by universities. The aim of this paper is to propose an activity based on the role-playing technique which allows both, the internalization of concepts related to professionalism (which is taught in the Degree of Computer Engineering, in the framework of the subject “Deontology and Professionalism”) and the development of the competences “Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship” and “Teamwork and Leadership”. The activity focuses on the definition of a computer engineer´s job , the elaboration of the curriculum vitae and the subsequent job interview to apply to that position. All this is carried out in a structured way, providing the students with entertainment and encouraging their initiative and reflection at the same time. Although it requires an important previous work on behalf of the teacher and an exhaustive monitoring and support in the classroom , the activity has been pleasantly welcomed by the students and the results obtained are satisfactory.[ES] Dada la importancia de adquisición de competencias en el proceso educativo y en especial la de las competencias transversales, ampliamente demandadas por el mundo profesional y promovidas desde el ámbito universitario, este trabajo propone la realización de una actividad basada en la metodología del juego de rol que permite de manera integrada la interiorización de conceptos relacionados con la materia de profesionalismo (impartida en el marco de la asignatura Deontología y Profesionalismo de segundo curso del Grado de Ingeniería Informática) y el desarrollo de las competencias “Creatividad, Innovación y Emprendimiento innovación,” y “ Trabajo en Equipo y Liderazgo”. La actividad se centra en la definición de un puesto de trabajo de ingeniero informático, la elaboración de un currículum vitae para responder a este, y la preparación y posterior desarrollo de una entrevista de trabajo para optar al citado puesto. Todo ello se desarrolla de una manera pautada que a la vez permite el entretenimiento, la iniciativa y reflexión por parte del alumnado. Si bien requiere de un importante trabajo previo por parte del docente y un seguimiento y apoyo exhaustivo en el aula, la actuación ha sido gratamente aceptada por los estudiantes y los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios.Gordo Monzó, ML.; Fernández Diego, M.; Ruiz Font, L.; Cuenca González, ML.; Boza García, A. (2019). El Juego de rol “El puesto es tuyo” como herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales y de acercamiento al ámbito profesional. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1192-1205. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10483OCS1192120

    The interoperability force in the ERP field

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems participate in interoperability projects and this participation sometimes leads to new proposals for the ERP field. The aim of this paper is to identify the role that interoperability plays in the evolution of ERP systems. To go about this, ERP systems have been first identified within interoperability frameworks. Second, the initiatives in the ERP field driven by interoperability requirements have been identified from two perspectives: technological and business.The ERP field is evolving from classical ERP as information system integrators to a new generation of fully interoperable ERP. Interoperability is changing the way of running business, and ERP systems are changing to adapt to the current stream of interoperability

    Structural elements of coordination mechanisms in collaborative planning processes and their assessment through maturity models: Application to a ceramic tile company

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    Maturity is defined as a measure to evaluate the capabilities of an organization in regards to a certain discipline. The Collaborative Planning Process is a very complex process and Coordination mechanisms are especially relevant in this field to align the plans of the supply chain members. The objective of this paper is to develop a maturity model and a methodology to perform assessment for the Structural Elements of Coordination Mechanisms in the Collaborative Planning Process. Structural elements are specified in order to characterize coordination mechanisms in a collaborative planning context and they have been defined as key areas to be assessed by the maturity model. The identified structural elements are: number of decision-makers, collaboration level, interdependence relationships nature, interdepen-dence relationships type, number of coordination mechanisms, information exchanged, information processing, decision sequence characteristics and stopping criteria. Structural elements are assessed using the scheme of five levels: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimized. This proposal has been applied to a ceramic tile company and the results are also reported.Cuenca, L.; Boza Garcia, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Trienekens, JJ. (2013). Structural elements of coordination mechanisms in collaborative planning processes and their assessment through maturity models: Application to a ceramic tile company. Computers in Industry. 64(8):898-911. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2013.06.019S89891164